Next Generation Fund

Contribute to our Next Generation Scholarship program!

($2,500 in matching funds available)

Your Investment in Our Impact

We realize the urgency of the climate crisis and know we need to scale up our work in order to bring more climbers into the climate fight and grow our impact. In 2023, Farm To Crag is launching a major campaign to mobilize significant investments to help us build on and accelerate the impact we’ve already had in our first five years. In 2023 alone, we hosted seven joyful community events and the year before we attended another 10, we made more than 4,000 unique connections, and highlighted 436 local sustainable food projects on our map. But everywhere we go, we hear from more climbers who want our help fostering climate justice conversations in their own communities, or who need more tools to help them translate their passion to save the home planet into tangible actions. 

Give big from the heart!

Thank you for investing in our collective efforts at Farm To Crag

Your donation helps us build community resources and events, a map-based directory of crag-side farms and markets, educational tools about sustainable farming, seasonal cooking and nutrition, and platforms for how climbers can be activists for change.

—Kate Rutherford,

Founder, Farm To Crag

Thank You!