Nettle, Chicken & Dumpling Soup
The many varieties of fresh spring nettles can be found near waterways - be careful not to sting yourself - wearing gloves helps or “in a pinch” the top of the nettle leaf is sting-free and can be gently folded upon itself and plucked without being stung. Cooking the nettle removes the sting and makes the vitamins K, A, B, and C, flavonoids, amino acids, protein, and strengthening minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc, all readily available.
Chocolate Beet Brownies
A few years ago, while running at Chautauqua Park in Boulder, I crossed paths with a woman who offered me a homemade chocolate chip cookie. She had baked dozens of cookies and was sharing them with people she encountered on the trail. It was a small gesture, sure, but the act of making something from scratch to share with strangers has stuck with me.
Bone Broth 101
Bone broth is an incredibly nutritious and flavorful base for a myriad of easy dishes. Full of protein, gelatin, amino acids and minerals, bone broth turns boiled vegetables, cooked beans and grains, and soups and stews each into a complete, nutritious meal. If you have access to a kitchen, try making your own.
Spice Blending
Spice blends are an easy way to turn simple, whole food ingredients into a delicious meal without having to add prefabbed sauces that are expensive, perishable, and often filled with ingredients that don’t support our bodies. Spices typically come from the roots, leaves or seeds of plants, making them so much more nutritious than artificial, sugar-packed factory-made seasoning.
Spring’s Bounty
Spring is in the air, and it’s an especially dramatic shift here in the Northeast. If you are living in the Northern Hemisphere, you too are likely experiencing the reemergence of the color green: a vibrant version unique to this time of year — so tied to spring’s unfolding food palate and the feeling of hope and new beginnings that accompany it.
All of us here at Farm To Crag are eager to get out climbing… we know you’re all eager too! But just like unexpected rainy days, long winter seasons, or life priorities that temporarily distract from our favorite sport, now is also a great opportunity to hone your skills in the kitchen and stock your portable pantry so you can have healthy, travel-friendly meals and prepared ingredients at the ready.